The Watauga County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting, as scheduled, on Tuesday, October 21, 2014, at 5:30 P.M. in the Commissioners' Board Room of the Watauga County Administration Building, Boone, North Carolina.


                        PRESENT:      Nathan Miller, Chairman

                                                David Blust, Vice-Chairman

                                                Billy Kennedy, Commissioner

John Welch, Commissioner

Perry Yates, Commissioner

Stacy C. Eggers, IV, County Attorney

                                                Deron Geouque, County Manager

                                                Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board


[Clerks Note:  Vice-Chairman Blust arrived at the meeting at 5:43 P.M.]


Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.


Commissioner Yates opened the meeting with a prayer and Commissioner Welch led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Miller called for additions and/or corrections to the October 7, 2014, regular meeting and closed session minutes.


The following correction was requested for the regular meeting minutes under Boards and Commissions:


Commissioner Yates, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to appoint Mr. Bill Ragan and Mr. Baster Baxter Palmer to serve on the Watauga County Board of Adjustments.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Commissioner Yates, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, moved to approve the October 7, 2014, regular meeting minutes as amended.


VOTE:  Aye-4(Miller, Kennedy, Welch, Yates)




[Clerk’s Note:  Chairman Miller’s copy of the draft closed session minutes included a redaction of the portion of the minutes in which he was recused from the meeting due to a conflict of interest.]


Proposed amendments to the closed session minutes were sent to the Board prior to the meeting for review.


Commissioner Yates, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, moved to approve the October 7, 2014, closed session minutes as amended.


VOTE:  Aye-4(Miller, Kennedy, Welch, Yates)



Approval of Agenda

Chairman Miller called for additions and/or corrections to the October 21, 2014, agenda.


County Manger Geouque requested to add discussion regarding December’s meeting schedule.  The County Manager stated that there was no need for a closed session at this time.


Chairman Miller requested to add a consideration of a property donation.


Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to approve the October 21, 2014, agenda as amended.


VOTE:  Aye-4(Miller, Kennedy, Welch, Yates)



Watauga County Drug Treatment Court Program Funding Request

Ms. Melissa Johnson, Executive Director of Mediation and Restorative Justice Center, requested the continuation of ABC tax monies as well as an additional $20,000 to fund drug court.  In September 2012, the Board accepted a grant from the Office of Justice Programs in the amount of $91,629 from the Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program.  The grant required a match of $30,543 over the two year period.  Funds were allocated from the ABC Bottle Tax that previously went to the now defunct New River Behavioral Healthcare for substance and alcohol abuse.  The grant funded the Watauga County Drug Treatment Court Program for two years.


The Center was denied a continuation of that grant, thus significantly reducing the funds available for the drug court program.  Ms. Johnson stated that the approximate $20,000 from ABC Bottle Tax monies along with the additional $20,000 would sufficiently fund the Drug Court for one year.  Ms. Johnson stated that additional funding options would be explored.  Ms. Johnson stated that there have been 26 successful graduates of the 1-2 year program.  Ms. Johnson stated that costs for the program where much less than those associated with incarceration.


Chairman Miller stated that the program was originally State funded and the County approved the ABC Bottle Tax for the program upon the cut of the State funding.  That amount, along with the grant, covered the costs of the program.  Chairman Miller stated that it was not the intent of the County to fully fund the program.


Judge Greg Horne commended the success of the Drug Court Program.


Commissioner Yates, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to allocate $20,000 from the Administrative Contingency line to the Drug Court Program contingent upon the Program continuing to apply for grants and a report of progress being given to the County Manager prior to FY 2016 budget preparations.


VOTE:  Aye-5



A. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Project House First Right of Refusal


County Manager Geouque stated that the Watauga County Board of Education has declared the Career and Technical Education (CTE) house, built by WHS students, as surplus property and approved the advertisement of sale.  The house is a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom single family residence located at 308 Buckeye Estates in Boone and has approximately 1,600 heated square feet with a 1,560 square foot unfinished basement.  Prior to offering the house for public auction, the Board of County Commissioners has the right of first refusal.


Commissioner Yates, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to relinquish the County’s right of first refusal provided the Board of Education provides minutes detailing the property was surplused and an amount was set.


VOTE:  Aye-5



B. Recommended Contract Awards for Employee Medical, Dental, and Life Insurance


County Manager Geouque stated that renewal rates have been received for medical, dental, and life insurance benefits.  The initial renewal received from BCBS for medical insurance was a 12.76% increase.  Based on claims information, staff pushed for a lower rate.  After additional negotiations, a reduction of 8.04% was obtained for a final rate increase of 4.72%.  CIGNA and United Healthcare refused to quote.  The County Manager stated that the County continues to see the benefits of changing from a traditional plan to the HSA model adopted three years ago by the Board.  In addition, the utilization of the North Carolina Local Government Federal Credit Union for the health savings account has been very successful.  The change has benefited employees by having a local banking relationship and providing more flexibility in managing their account.



In reference to dental and life insurance, the rates remain the same with no increases.  Lincoln Financial Group is the provider for both dental and life insurance.


Based on the favorable rates received, staff recommends Blue Cross Blue Shield for the County’s medical plan and for the County to fund $1,000 into each employee’s HSA account.  In addition, staff recommends continuing with Lincoln Financial Group as the County’s provider for dental and life insurance.


Adequate funds have been budgeted to cover the renewal rates.


Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to accept the 4.72% increase with Blue Cross Blue Shield for employee medical insurance; to continue with Lincoln Financial Group as the provider for employee dental and life insurance; and to fund $1,000 into each employee’s HSA account with the North Carolina Local Government Federal Credit Union.


VOTE:  Aye-5



C.  Proposed Amendment to the Watauga County Budget Ordinance


County Manager Geouque stated that the County currently charges to dispose of large and small animals, $25.00 and $5.00 per animal respectively. The fee was developed when the County previously buried the animals at the landfill.  However, that practice has been discontinued and the animals are now disposed of at the transfer station.  Staff is recommending changing the flat fee to $0.025 per pound to reflect the change regardless of the size of the animal.  The $0.025 is the per pound rate the County charges to dispose of trash.


Commissioner Welch, seconded by Vice-Chairman Blust, moved to adopt the Budget Ordinance as amended.


VOTE:  Aye-5



D.  Proposed Donation of Property in Lieu of Past Due Taxes


Chairman Miller stated that Mr. Blake Brown, a principal of Browns' Farm Ridge, Inc., had proposed to donate a 3.00 acre tract of land located in New River Township to the County in lieu of past due taxes.  Mr. Brown presented this proposal to the County Board of Equalization and Review.  The property has a tax value of $26,300.00, and the amount of taxes owed is $95.47.


Commissioner Yates, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to accept the proposed donation of land from Browns’ Farm Ridge, Inc. in lieu of the $95.47 owed tax amount.


VOTE:  Aye-5




E.  November Meeting Schedule


County Manager Geouque stated that the November 4, 2014, meeting falls on Election Day in which the Board of Elections requires the use of the board room for that day.  The Board’s options were to reschedule or cancel the November 4th meeting as the November 18, 2014, meeting would be adequate to address County business.


The County Manager also stated that the first meeting in December must be held on the first Monday of December on the years immediately following a County election.


Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to cancel the November 4, 2014, meeting due to the Board of Elections requiring the use of the Board room and to move December 2, 2014, meeting to Monday, December 1, 2014, at 8:30 A.M.


VOTE:  Aye-5



F.  Boards and Commissions


County Manager Geouque reviewed the following Boards and Commissions:


Watauga County Board of Adjustment

At the October 7, 2014, Board meeting Mr. Bill Ragan and Mr. Baxter Palmer were reappointed to the Watauga County Board of Adjustment.  Ms. Diana Mast White’s term expires in November and she is not available to serve in the coming year.  A notice requesting volunteers has been placed on the County’s website.  Mr. Todd Rice submitted a volunteer application


The County Manager stated that the Board of Adjustment recommended that Mr. Baxter Palmer be moved from Alternate to member; therefore, leaving the Alternate position to fill.


Appalachian Regional Library Board

The Watauga County Library Board recommends that Dr. Mary Reichel be appointed to the Watauga County Library Board to replace Ms. Diane Sides, who resigned effective August, 2014.  If appointed, her term would end in August of 2018 and she would be eligible for a second term at that time. 


The above were first readings and, therefore, no action was required at this time.


G.  Announcements


County Manager Geouque announced the following:


·       A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held for the latest section of the Middle Fork Greenway on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, from 3:30 – 5:30 P.M. in front of Mystery Hill.


·       Watauga County Soil and Water will hold a workshop entitled “Farm Transition:  Planning for the Next Generation” on October 23, 2014, from 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at Cooperative Extension.


·       A Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held for Watauga County Citizens from 9:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. on Saturday, October 25, 2014, at the Watauga County Sanitation Department located on Landfill Road.


·       The Annual County Christmas Luncheon, scheduled on Tuesday, December 9, 2014, will be held at Dan’l Boone Inn from 11:45 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

Public Hearing to Allow Citizen Comment on A Citizen’s Request to the United States Postal Service for A Residential Zip Code Change

Chairman Miller stated that a public hearing was scheduled to allow citizen comment on changing the zip code for the “Sampson Area” from 28645 (Lenoir, NC) to 28607 (Boone, NC). 


Vice-Chairman Blust, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to call the public hearing to order at 6:11 P.M.


The following shared favorable comments regarding the zip code change request:  Mr. Bill Schrum and Mr. Paul Bolig.


As there was no further citizen comment, Chairman Miller declared the public hearing closed at 6:17 P.M.


Chairman Miller read a proposed resolution.


Commissioner Yates, seconded by Commissioner Welch, moved to adopt the resolution as presented.

VOTE:  Aye-5


Public Comment

Ms. Margaret Buck shared comments regarding Agenda 21.


Commissioner Welch, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy, moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 P.M.

VOTE:  Aye-5




Nathan A. Miller, Chairman



Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board