Fee Schedule

FY23 Watauga County Fire Inspection and Permit Fees    
Fire Prevention Code Inspections    
Annual Inspection Report $50.00    
Inspection Report (non-annual) $50.00    
Inspection Report (multi-tenant up to two buildings) $60.00    
Inspection Report (multi-tenant up to three buildings) $70.00    
Inspection Report (multi-tenant up to 10 buildings) $100.00    
Inspection Report (multi-tenant up to 20 buildings) $200.00    
Inspection Report (multi-tenant over 20 buildings) $300.00    
Carbon Monoxide Inspections $50.00    
Reinspection (per visit) $30.00    
Day Care Inspection $25.00    
Residential Custodial Care and Nursing Homes $25.00    
Special Event or Use Permits    
Fireworks - Public Display $25.00    
Tents and Air Structures (30 day maximum) $25.00    
Temporary kiosks or Merchandising Displays $25.00    
Insecticide fogging or fumigation $25.00    
Explosive Materials/Blasting - 1 Year $400.00    
Explosive Materials/Blasting - 48 Hours $40.00    
Special Assembly: Gun show, craft show, etc. $25.00    
Bowling Pin and Alley: Resurfacing/Refinishing $25.00    
Other Special Function Requiring Fire Prevention Permit $25.00    
Construction Permits    
Underground Storage Tank Removal (per tank) $30.00    
New Installations (per tank) $50.00    
Hydrant Installations - private contractors only $30.00    
Roadway/Driveway Access Gates $75.00    
New Sprinkler Systems    0.10 per sq ft    
Sprinkler Renovations $75.00    
Standpipes $75.00    
New Alarm Systems $75.00    
Alarm System Renovations $75.00    
Fixed Fire Supression Systems $75.00    
Certification of Occupancy $25.00    
Occupancy Permit Inspection (ABC) $30.00    
Other Fees    
Copies of Fire Investigation Reports $5.00    
Afterhours Inspections* $50.00    
Fire Prevention Code Violation Civil Penalty      
2nd violation for same issue $25.00    
Imminent life safety violation (i.e blocked exits) $100.00    
*In addition to other applicable fees, business hours defined by County Personnel Ordinance