The Watauga County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting, as scheduled, on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. in the Commissioners’ Board Room located in the Watauga County Administration Building, Boone, North Carolina.


Chairman Turnbow called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.  The following were present:


PRESENT:                  Larry Turnbow, Chairman

Charlie Wallin, Vice-Chairman

                                    Todd Castle, Commissioner

                                    Braxton Eggers, Commissioner

                                    Ray Russell, Commissioner

                                    Andrea Capua, County Attorney

Deron Geouque, County Manager

Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board


Vice-Chairman Wallin opened with a prayer and Commissioner Russell, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Turnbow called for additions and/or corrections to the July 16, 2024, regular minutes and closed session minutes.


Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to approve the July 16, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to approve the July 16, 2024, closed session minutes as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Approval of Agenda

Chairman Turnbow called for additions and/or corrections to the August 6, 2024, agenda.


County Manager Geouque requested to add a potential change order for the Hannah Parking Lot Project.


Vice-Chairman Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Castle, moved to approve the August 6, 2024, agenda as amended.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Proposed Rural Downtown Economic Development Grant Request

Mr. Jacob Starks, Regional Library Director, requested permission to apply for the Public Buildings (Renovation or Additions) Improvements grant.  The grant was for publicly owned buildings in a downtown district that serve a public and have a community-wide use such as a community center, theater, civic center, recreation center, or library.  The grant requires a 5% local match which may need to be allocated out of funds already allocated toward the future expansion of the Library.  The maximum amount available through the grant is $850,000; however, the amount awarded is based on jobs provided (including current positions) and, therefore, a lower amount would most likely be requested.  Mr. Starks stated that, at this time, their focus was on renovating the existing library.  Mr. Starks requested authorization to apply for the grant and for the Board to adopt a resolution supporting the application.


Mr. Starks stated that he would provide a draft resolution at the August 20, 2024, meeting.  County Attorney Capua recommended to make sure the resolution included all of the statements required in the grant application.


Chairman Turnbow tabled this item to allow for consideration of the resolution to be presented at the August 20, 2024, meeting.

Report on Watauga County Opioid Settlement Projects

Ms. Jennifer Greene, AppHealthCare Director, presented the latest opioid settlement projects for the County.  The Review Committee included Commissioner Eggers and Commissioner Russell, individuals with lived experience, and representatives from the Sheriff’s Office. 


The Committee received an overview of the proposals and scoring process, reviewed scores, narrowed the list of applicants and determined any items for follow up.  In June the Committee reviewed follow up items from applicants and discussed any final concerns before documents were prepared in July for FY 2024-2025 grants.  Five proposals were received totaling $724,141.53 with $810,179.00 available to award.


The projects selected by the Review Committee (with a possible future project to come) were as follows:



Project Summary:

Proposed Amount to Award for Year 1:

Mediation & Restorative Justice Center/Homestead Recovery Center

Operation of Watauga Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), Recovery on the Inside (ROI), Peer Services, The Homeplace Recovery Housing and the Reentry Service Station.



Oversight and administration of opioid settlement expenditures, complete required reporting, develop and improve opioid-related data, and lead strategic planning efforts for future projects; Harm reduction services, training, and health education to prevent and/or reduce overdose deaths in alignment with the Vital Strategies matching funds grant.


Work with Hospitality House of Northwestern NC to provide dedicated housing services for Watauga County individuals that have been impacted by Opioid Use Disorder alongside Substance use Disorder or other co-occurring Mental Health conditions and are experiencing homelessness












Western Youth Network

Serve additional students in the mentoring program, all of whom will be referred by school mental health professionals, juvenile court case workers, or Department of Social Services due to substance misuse in the household; provide YMHFA training.


High Country Community Health

Identify and serve individuals that are not currently involved in treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) and/or those that have had health and/or legal consequences due to use of substances.




= $646,140


Ms. Greene presented a proposed Memorandum of Agreement and “A Resolution By The County of Watauga To Direct The Expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds” for consideration.


Ms. Greene stated that in the Fall of 2024 the Committee would follow up with awardees for any requested additional information, confirm with State partners project alignment with the MOA, AppHealthCare and the County would complete and submit a budget or resolution authorizing expenditures to the NC DHHS dashboard, and the projects would begin.  In late Fall/early Spring of 2025 strategic planning for future projects would begin.


Commissioner Eggers stated that a lot of due diligence was put forth by the honest, good, open minded group of members on the Review Committee.  Mr. Eggers stated that he was confident the correct recommendations were made.


Commissioner Russell stated that Review Committee had great and robust discussion which got to the core of what needed to get done.  Mr. Russell appreciated the work by AppHealthCare and all of the organizations involved.


Chairman Turnbow read the resolution.


Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to approve the Memorandum of Agreement and adopt the Resolution as read by Chairman Turnbow.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Change Order Request for Hannah Paving Project

Mr. Robert Marsh, Maintenance Director, stated that during work on the Hannah paving project it was discovered by Tri-County Paving, the Contractor, that a river rock gravel base existed under the old pavement made up of stones of various size and very little depth.  Due to the unsuitable gravel base and its required replacement, a Change Order will be needed to finish the project in an amount not to exceed $124,990.  County Manager Geouque stated that he was later informed that the amount could be as much as half of the suggested “not to exceed amount” as quoted by Mr. Marsh.


Mr. Marsh stated that the Change Order was not included in the FY 24-25 budget, and funds would

need to be transferred from the General Fund to the maintenance budget.  County Manager Geouque stated that the funds would come from the $2,000,000 awarded from the General Assembly for parking.


Vice-Chairman Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Russell, moved to approve the change order in an amount not to exceed $124,990 with funds to be allocated from the General Fund to the Maintenance budget as detailed by Mr. Marsh and the County Manager.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Request to Transfer Points within NCDOT’s State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Mr. Jason Walker, Planning and Inspections Director, stated that Mr. David Graham, Transportation Planner with the High Country Council of Governments, has requested approval to transfer local input points from the US 421 Daniel Boone Parkway Section A project (H170838A) to the US 421/Poplar Grove Connector roundabout project (H171686).  Mr. Walker stated that Boone Town Manager, Amy Davis, indicated that the Town Council would consider the same change at their August 14th meeting; the same date a decision was due.



Chairman Turnbow, seconded by Commissioner Castle, moved to accept the transfer of points from the US 421 Daniel Boone Parkway Section A project (H170838A) to the US 421/Poplar Grove Connector roundabout project (H171686).


VOTE:  Aye-5


Sanitation Equipment Purchase Request

Mr. Phillip Harrison, Operations Services Manager, requested approval of bids for one John Deere 624 P-Tier Loader, one Peterbilt 520 Titan Front Loader Trash Truck, and two 2024 Mac 48’ Tipper Trailers.  The equipment was required to provide continuous operations of the transfer station.


The following bids were received:





James River Equipment, Wilkesboro, NC

John Deere 624 P-Tier Loader


James River Equipment, Statesville, NC

John Deere 624 P-Tier Loader


James River Equipment, Charlotte, NC

John Deere 624 P-Tier Loader






NuLife Municipal Truck Center, Easley, SC

Peterbilt 520 Titan Front Loader

Trash Truck


Carolina Environmental Systems, Greenville, SC

Peterbilt 520 Front Loader

Trash Truck






Nationwide Haul, Pompano Beach, FL

2025 Mac 48’ Tipper Trailer


Hale Trailer Brake & Wheel, Voorhees, NJ

2025 East Genesis 48’

Tipper Trailer


Southeast Utility Trailers, Statesville, NC

2024 Mac 48’ Tipper Trailer



The bid awards were requested as follows:  James River Equipment, Wilkesboro, NC, for the John Deere 624 P-Tier Loader in the amount of $306,851.08;  NuLife Municipal Truck Center, Easley, SC, for the Peterbilt 520 Titan Front Loader Trash Truck, in the amount of $366,195; and Southeast Utility Trailers, Statesville, NC, for the two 2024 Mac 48’ Tipper Trailers in the amount of $74,893.00, which is the lowest bid once delivery charges are factored into the costs.


Mr. Harrison shared that the County has two large loaders and one small loader.  Recycling operations utilize the 2005 and 2008 loaders and the transfer station utilizes the 2012 loader.  Currently, the 2005 loader is down leaving the recycling facility with only the 2008 smaller loader and no backup for the transfer station.  In the event the 2012 loader went down, the County would be required to rent at least one loader to maintain operations. 


The County has three trash trucks with the 2017 and 2019 models serving daily operations and the 2014 as backup.  The 2014 model was only used in emergency situations due to its current condition.  The new truck would replace the 2014 which has reached its end-of-life cycle.  The two new trailers would serve multiple purposes such as back-up to the single trailer, transportation of used tires, recycling, and municipal solid waste.  The additional trailers would also position the County to increase the amount of waste hauled to provide cost savings and flexibility in the future to control costs by reducing or eliminating the third-party hauler.  Mr. Harrison also shared that CEI was doing a great job but there was more volume now reaching 13-14 loads a day compared to the eight trailers currently contracted with CEI.


Mr. Harrison stated that adequate funds were available from retained earnings to cover the requested expense and requested approval for the requests in the total amount of $822,832.08 with funds to be allocated from retained earnings. 



Commissioner Eggers stated that he wished this would have been brought to the Boards attention during the budget process but realized that was under the former Director.


Commissioner Russell, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wallin, moved to award the bids as follows:  to James River Equipment, Wilkesboro, NC, for the John Deere 624 P-Tier Loader in the amount of $306,851.08;  NuLife Municipal Truck Center, Easley, SC, for the Peterbilt 520 Titan Front Loader Trash Truck, in the amount of $366,195; and Southeast Utility Trailers, Statesville, NC, for the two 2024 Mac 48’ Tipper Trailers in the amount of $74,893.00, which is the lowest bid once delivery charges are factored into the costs with the total cost of all being $822,832.08.


VOTE:  Aye-4(Turnbow, Wallin, Castle, Russell)


Miscellaneous Administrative Matters

A.    Boards and Commissions

County Manager Geouque presented the following:


Watauga County Library Board

The Watauga County Library Board has recommended the following appointments:  Hollis Smith to fill the unexpired term of Carol Deal expiring in August of 2026; Mary Stolberg for a first term replacing Roberta Jackson expiring in August of 2028; and Wendy Jessen for a first term replacing a vacant seat expiring in August of 2028.


Commissioner Eggers, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wallin, moved to waive the second reading and appoint Hollis Smith to a term expiring in August of 2026; Mary Stolberg to a term expiring in August of 2028; and Wendy Jessen to a term expiring in August of 2028.


VOTE:  Aye-5



B.    Announcements

County Manager Geouque announced that the 117th NCACC Annual Conference is scheduled to for August 8-10, 2024, in Forsyth County.  Commissioners Eggers and Russell planned to attend the Conference with Commissioner Russell serving as the County’s Voting Delegate.


Vice-Chairman Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Castle, moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:34 P.M.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Larry Turnbow, Chairman


ATTEST:  Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board