The Watauga County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting, as scheduled, on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. in the Commissioners’ Board Room located in the Watauga County Administration Building, Boone, North Carolina.


Chairman Turnbow called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.  The following were present:


PRESENT:                  Larry Turnbow, Chairman

Charlie Wallin, Vice-Chairman

                                    Todd Castle, Commissioner

                                    Braxton Eggers, Commissioner

                                    Ray Russell, Commissioner

                                    Andrea Capua, County Attorney

Deron Geouque, County Manager

Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board


Commissioner Russell opened with a prayer and Commissioner Castle, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Turnbow called for additions and/or corrections to the August 6, 2024, regular minutes and closed session minutes.


Vice-Chairman Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to approve the August 6, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Approval of Agenda

Chairman Turnbow called for additions and/or corrections to the August 20, 2024, agenda.


Commissioner Castle, seconded by Commissioner Russell, moved to approve the August 20, 2024, agenda as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Public Comment

Mr. Bob Shipley shared comments on the proposed Kill/Chill facility.

Proposed Rural Downtown Economic Development Grant Request

Mr. Jacob Starks, Regional Library Director, presented a proposed resolution required for a Public Buildings Improvements grant which would be used for renovations to Watauga County Library.  The grant requires a 5% match from the County which would be allocated from the Library Capital Reserve account.  $500,000 would be requested in the grant application which would require up to a $25,000 match from the County.


Chairman Turnbow read the resolution with the dollar amounts included.


Commissioner Eggers, seconded by Commissioner Russell, moved to adopt the resolution which included the approval of the local match as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Proposed “End Overdose in Watauga County” Proclamation and Request to Use Greenspace at the Human Services Complex

Ms. Mary McKinney stated that she would like to remove her request for use of the greenspace due to that date being an Appalachian State University home football game.  Ms. McKinney stated that she was looking at alternative places to hold the Recovery Community Block Party and listed the various events associated to overdose awareness including a mailbox for people to leave letters for/about their lost loved ones.


Ms. McKinney presented a proposed proclamation proclaiming August 31, 2024, as “End Overdose in Watauga County Day.”


Chairman Turnbow read the proclamation.



Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to adopt the proclamation as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5


IT Request to Purchase Storage Device

Mr. Drew Eggers, IT Director, requested approval for the replacement of a current storage device (SAN) with a raw capacity of about 4TB.  The device provides the vast majority of the data storage for 911, Communications, and the Sheriff’s Office.  The new device has a capacity of 10TB.  The project cost is $19,406 with 911 Funds covering 54% of the cost and the County to pay the remaining amount of $8,926.96.  Adequate funds have been budgeted to cover the expense. 



Vice-Chairman Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Castle, moved to approve the purchase of the 10 TB storage device from MarketSpace Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $20,715.91 (which included taxes).


VOTE:  Aye-5


Tax Monthly Collections Report

Mr. Larry Warren, Tax Administrator, presented the Monthly Collections Report.  There were no releases in July.  The report was for information only and, therefore, no action was required.

Miscellaneous Administrative Matters

A.    Kill/Chill Update and Bid Awards Requests

Dr. Jim Hamilton, Cooperative Extension Director, updated the Board on the status of the Kill/Chill facility.  Dr. Hamilton stated that an additional RFQ (for the design/build) and an RFP (for facility management) were released with deadline dates of July 15. 


Three (3) proposals were received for the operation of the future facility and two (2) proposals received for the construction of the project.  For facility operation, proposals were received by: Gray Shipley of Watauga Butchery/Shipley Farms Beef, Kenny Cole, and Larry Moore of Piedmont Custom Meats.  For facility construction, DH Griffin submitted a new design/build qualifications proposal. Dunlavy Contracting submitted an updated proposal (proposal verbiage was the same with a submission of a modified preliminary plant drawing to create a downsized facility with both slaughter and processing capacity); however, Dunlavy did not provide proof of receipt of their NC contractor’s license.


On August 2, 2024, a committee including Commissioner Castle, County Manager Geouque, Dr. Hamilton, Mr. Robert Marsh, Maintenance Director, and a livestock agent reviewed the submissions and determined that the proposal submitted by Piedmont Custom Meats demonstrated the overall best operational strategy, existing infrastructure, financial capacity, and plan to meet the project goal of providing our regional farmers slaughter and processing capacity at the proposed new facility to be constructed at the Watauga County Landfill. It was also agreed that DH Griffin was the best qualified contractor that met all qualifications for the design & build associated with the project and submitted all required components of the RFQ for design-build.


Therefore, the Committee recommended Piedmont Custom Meats be awarded a contract (to be negotiated) for facility management and DH Griffin be awarded a contract (to be negotiated) for the design/build of the Kill/Chill facility.


Commissioner Castle stated that the reason the Kill/Chill facility was being considered was due to a local problem that needed a local solution with local operation.  Commissioner Castle stated that since the Committee meeting he had spoken to several local farmers and believed local operation of the Kill/Chill facility best met the original intent.


Chairman Turnbow stated that he was led to believe that a lot of local farmers were using Piedmont Meats.  Dr. Hamilton stated that they were as well as many in surrounding counties. 


Dr. Hamilton gave a brief review of grants received for the project and stated that, as long as there was forward momentum of the project, the granting agencies were good with providing extensions.


County Manager Geouque stated that the Board still needed determination of the lease rate/structure for the end operator of the plant. This was a stipulation of release of funding for the project by the Golden LEAF grant.  County Attorney Andrea Capua stated that she has been in touch with a local appraiser and stated that the rate would not be easily determined as there weren’t local comparables for such a facility.  Ms. Capua stated that if a local comp wasn’t found, the best defendable rate for fair market value as determined reasonable by a certified appraiser would be used.


Commissioner Castle stated that Piedmont Meats had their act together, however, the original intent was a local solution to a local problem with a local operator and was designed to keep monies in Watauga County.  Vice-Chairman Wallin asked the likelihood of grantors pulling funding if the wrong provider was chosen.  Dr. Hamilton stated that the grantors wanted the project to go forward.  Commissioner Russell stated that he respected the Committees recommendation and wanted to put the project in the best position for success.


Commissioner Russell, seconded by Chairman Turnbow, moved to award the bid for the operation of the Kill/Chill facility to Piedmont Custom Meats and the design/build of the Kill/Chill facility to DH Griffin as recommended by the Committee.


VOTE:  Aye-4(Turnbow, Wallin, Eggers, Russell)



Dr. Hamilton stated that meetings would be scheduled with both Piedmont Custom Meats and DH Griffin to negotiate contracts.  Chairman Turnbow directed Dr. Hamilton to keep the County Manager and County Attorney up to date on progress.


B.    Boards and Commissions

County Manager Geouque presented the following:


Recreation Commission

Ms. Keron Poteat, Parks and Recreation Director, recommended the appointment of the following to the Recreation Commission:


·       Mr. Jason Eldreth, recommended by Bethel School Principal, Mr. Ward, with a term expiring August 2027.

·       Mr. Denny Norris as recommended by  Green Valley School Principal, Mr. Prince, and the Recreation Commission with a term ending August 2027.

·       Ms. Pamela Cline as recommended by the Recreation Commission to fill a seat that has been vacant with a term ending August 2027.

·       Mr. Gene Swift, recommended by Parkway Principal, Ms. Trimble, with a term ending August 2027.

·       Mr. Wendell Ellis, as recommended by the Recreation Commission to represent the Town of Blowing Rock, At-Large.  This was a currently vacant position that would expire in August 2027.

·       Mr. Ron Henries, as recommended by Watauga County School Board Chairman, Dr. Childers.  The term would end August 2025.

·       Mr. Kevin Roeder, as nominated by the Recreation Commission to represent the Town of Seven Devils.  The term would end August 2027.

·       Ms. Joy James, who is willing to continue to serve as an Appalachian State University representative.  The term would expire August 2027.

·       Ms. Virginia Roseman was chosen by and to represent the Town of Boone.


Each of these were first readings and, therefore, no action was required at this time.


Chairman Turnbow, seconded by Commissioner Russell, moved to waive the first reading and appoint those to the Recreation Commission as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5



C.    Announcements

County Manager Geouque announced that the High Country Council of Governments’ 49th Annual Banquet was scheduled for Friday, October 4, 2024, from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the Grandview Ballroom at The Northwest End Zone, Appalachian State University.



Commissioner Russell, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wallin, moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 P.M.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Larry Turnbow, Chairman


ATTEST:  Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board