The Watauga County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting, as scheduled, on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. in the Commissioners’ Board Room located in the Watauga County Administration Building, Boone, North Carolina.


Chairman Turnbow called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.  The following were present:


PRESENT:                  Larry Turnbow, Chairman

Charlie Wallin, Vice-Chairman

                                    Todd Castle, Commissioner

                                    Braxton Eggers, Commissioner

                                    Ray Russell, Commissioner

                                    Andrea Capua, County Attorney

Deron Geouque, County Manager

Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board


Commissioner Castle opened with a prayer and Commissioner Eggers, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Turnbow called for additions and/or corrections to the August 20, 2024, regular minutes and closed session minutes.


Commissioner Russell, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wallin, moved to approve the August 20, 2024, regular meeting minutes as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Approval of Agenda

Chairman Turnbow called for additions and/or corrections to the September 3, 2024, agenda.


County Manager Geouque requested to add a closed session per, G. S. 143-318.11(a)(3).


Commissioner Castle, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to approve the September 3, 2024, agenda as amended.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Public Comment

Mr. Nicholas Hammac shared concerns on continuous building, second homes, University expansion, and the resulting effects on the environment.

Sheriff’s Office Proposed CCTV Upgrade for the Detention Center in Fiscal Year 2024-2025

On behalf of Major Kelly Redmon, Watauga County Sheriff’s Office, the County Manager requested approval for the expenditure of funds for the upgrade of the Detention Center camera system.  The cost of the upgrade was $50,259 and was included in the FY 2024-25 budget.


County Manager Geouque stated that Major Redmon had requested more detailed information on the products to be used but had not heard back from the company to date.


After discussion, Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to approve the expenditure of funds, in the amount of $50,259, for the upgrade of the Detention Center camera system.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Proposed Amendments to Resolution Establishing the Watauga County Department of Social Services Advisory Board

Mr. Tom Hughes, DSS Director, presented recommendations to update the resolution stating the Social Services Advisory Board’s bylaws.  Dr. Reagan S. Breitenstein, Watauga County Department of Social Services Advisory Board Chair, was also in attendance.  Mr. Hughes stated that one recommendation was to reduce terms to three years with a maximum of two terms.  There also needed to be clarification on how to handle terms for those who have moved or have second homes away from Watauga County.


The County Manager had included the following in his comments:  Staff would recommend that under 1 (a) a line be added at the end of the sentence to state, “The County Commissioners and County Manager shall have the final authority on the hiring/firing of the Social Services Director.”  Additionally, the Board my wish to consult with the County Attorney regarding the sharing of major incidents or concerns with the Advisory Board regarding DSS staff/personnel or community families due to privacy of personnel records, confidentially and liabilities, as the County is the ultimate responsible party. 


County Attorney Capua stated that she had read the proposed amendments and spoke to Mr. Hughes.  Ms. Capua recommended the Board take time to understand the details of the proposal and she needed to research how Statutes may affect the proposals.  Mr. Hughes stated that the Advisory Board was there to assist the Department of Social Services and take the rules and make them fit.  Ms. Capua stated that some changes could be approved at this meeting but others needed more review. 


Commissioner Russell asked if the Advisory Board had a separate set of Bylaws and Mr. Hughes stated that the proposed document was the Bylaws.


After discussion, Chairman Turnbow recommended a committee be formed with Vice-Chairman Wallin (who represents the Board of Commissioners on the Advisory Board), Mr. Hughes, Dr. Breitenstein, the County Manager, and County Attorney to review the proposed amendments.

Emergency Services Matters

A.    Proposed Communications Maintenance Contract Renewal

Mr. Will Holt, Emergency Services Director, requested approval of the renewal of the radio maintenance contract with Mobile Communications America in the amount of $36,438.72.  Funds were available in the current Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget.



Commissioner Eggers, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wallin, moved to approve the contract with Mobile Communications America in the amount of $36,438.72.


VOTE:  Aye-5



B.    Proposed CRS Recorder Maintenance Contract

Mr. Will Holt requested approval of a maintenance contract with Carolina Recording Systems of recorders at the Primary and back-up PSAPs in the amount of $25,940.00.  Funds were available in the current Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget.


Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Castle, moved to approve the contract with Carolina Recording Systems in the amount of $25,940.00. 


VOTE:  Aye-5



C.    Proposed Easement

Mr. Will Holt requested approval of a proposed easement agreement for access to Watauga County property utilizing Hidden Pond Road.  Mr. Holt stated that this was discussed a year ago and the County Attorney had reviewed the easement.  County Attorney Capua stated that she just noticed the name of the law firm in the footer of the document needed to be updated.  Ms. Capua stated that since Mr. Stark owned the majority of the property he most likely had given easements to the other property owners.  If that was the case, then additional approval from those property owners would not be necessary.  Commissioner Eggers asked Mr. Holt to please contact all property owners.




Commissioner Castle, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wallin, moved to approve the easement agreement as presented by Mr. Holt.


VOTE:  Aye-5


Soil and Water Grant Acceptance Requests

Ms. Michelle Kasey, Soil and Water, request approval for grants from multiple agencies.  The grants were pass-through with the exception of the Valle Crucis Watauga River Access.  The Soil and Water Board have already approved the grants.


The projects were shared with the Board as follows:


·       Valle Crucis Watauga River Access - $165,000 - Blue Ridge RC&D, Blue Ridge Conservancy, US Fish & Wildlife Service  River access, stream restoration, riparian buffer, storm water wetland, including a parking lot and signage for public use.  Purpose is to reduce erosion, reduce sedimentation, and to improve riparian habitat.   Parking lot, sign and driveway complete.  (Contract approved Jan 2023)


·       UT to Dutch Creek - $326,000 - NC Land and Water Fund, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Blue Ridge Conservancy, Blue Ridge RC&D Stream restoration, riparian corridor improvement – connecting two riparian areas together.  Purpose is:  County straightened stream in 1940’s, project is to restore the original channel to meandering to address erosion and to improve wildlife habitat connectivity.  Designs in place, project has not begun.  (Contract approved February 2023)


·       Vanderpool Creek & Farms - $356,000 - NRCS–EQUIP, Resource Institute  Stream Restoration, Riparian Buffer.  Purpose is to address streambank erosion, riparian buffer improvement, aquatic habitat enhancement.  NRCS–pasture practices have been completed.  Stream restoration has not begun.  (Contract approved March 2023)


·       Green Valley Stream Restoration - $61,550 - New River Conservancy  Stream restoration, wetland enhancement, riparian buffer planting.  Purpose is to stabilize stream banks, reduce sedimentation, aquatic barrier removal (habitat connectivity).  Work has not begun – should begin in September.  (Contract approved June 2023)


·       Pine Orchard Creek (Trivette) - $186,210 - Blue Ridge Environmental Consulting, EQUIP with NRCS Stream restoration  -  address stream bank erosion, exclude stream from cattle, improve riparian zone; 960’ linear of stream and 1.1 acres of riparian buffer (has not started).  (Contract approved August 2024)


Ms. Michelle Kasey stated that the Valle Crucis Watauga River Access project has begun but the other projects have not started at this time.



Commissioner Eggers, seconded by Commissioner Russell, moved to approve each of the grants as presented.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Ms. Kasey also invited the Board to attend the 5th Grade Environmental Day on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at Cove Creek School.

Miscellaneous Administrative Matters

A.    Announcements



County Manager Geouque announced the following:


·       The High Country Council of Governments’ 49th Annual Banquet is scheduled for Friday, October 4, 2024, from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. in the Grandview Ballroom at The Northwest End Zone, Appalachian State University.


·       An Open House will be held for the newly renovated Lois E. Harrill Senior Center on September 25, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M.

Closed Session

At 6:11 P.M., Vice-Chairman Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Castle, moved to enter Closed Session to discuss Attorney/Client Matters, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(3).


VOTE:  Aye-5



Commissioner Russell, seconded by Commissioner Eggers, moved to resume the open meeting at 6:44 P.M.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Commissioner Castle, seconded by Vice-Chairman Wallin, moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 P.M.


VOTE:  Aye-5



Larry Turnbow, Chairman


ATTEST:  Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board